Prof. Dr. Rafique Ahmed Jhatial briefed the respectable faculty members of the Department of Textile Engineering, MUET Jamshoro about his achievements and learning in the career on 17th September 2020. The event remained interactive where he gave various suggestions to the respectable faculty members for the future development of the department. Dr. Shamshad Ali thanked the faculty members for attending the event.

Ms Mahnoor Iqbal of Third Year (17 Batch) wins the Consolation Award at All Pakistan Declamation Contest
Ms Mahnoor got the consolation award at all Pak declamation contest among 31 institutions in which there were different teams from all the country, held at Hayats college. Representing MUET, Ms Mahnoor debated in Urdu and won the award. Worthy Vice Chancellor, MUET was the chief guest of the event.

Implementation of EHS in the department of Textile Engineering
Keeping in view the importance, Environment; Health and Safety (EHS) is considered as one of the seriously addressed subject in the Department of Textile Engineering. The efforts have been made to equip textile department with all necessary tools related to EHS. Fire prevention accessories, alarming system, first aid tools and EHS posters are few attempts in this regard. Apart from this, regular trainings and workshops are also a crucial part of this program in order to create awareness amongst the staff as well as the students of Textile Engineering Department.

Soorty Denim (The Green Factory) delegate visits department of Textile Engineering MUET
The Department of Textile Engineering MUET invited Mr M. Shoaib A. Rehman, General Manager and Mr Salman Akhtar, Processing Manager, Soorty Denim, Nooriabad (The Green Factory) on 18th April 2019 for visiting the department, interacting with faculty and students, and potential collaborations.
Prof Dr Rafique Ahmed Jhatial, chairman of the department, along with the faculty members received the guests and had morning tea, followed by interaction with students for career counseling, visit of labs and formal interaction with the faculty members. The chairman briefed about the OBE system, vision of the department and the current research projects, and invited them to be members of department’s Industry Advisory Board and they gladly accepted. Whereas, Mr. Shoaib and Mr Salman highlighted the existing dynamics, needs and challenges of Pakistan textile industry. Further, they emphasized on active collaboration of academic institutes and engagement of faculty members with the industry. This will create an impact on growth of country’s economy and better work opportunities based on collaborative knowledge and innovation.
The visit concluded with vote of thanks to the honorable guests and following collaborative activities.
Visits, internships and jobs for students/graduates of the department
Guest lectures/seminars at the department
Skilled training of department lab staff and factory personnel
Industry supervised research and R&D projects
Quality and sustainability audits at Soorty Denim by faculty members
Development of 3rd party testing services at the department

Technical and motivatinal session by Feroze 1888 team at Textile Engineering Department
A team of Feroze 1888 visited Textile Engineering Department of Mehran University on 4th December 2018, for delivering a Technical and a motivational talk to the final year students. Mr Malik Khaskhely, the Executive Director of Pakistan leading social development organization, School of Leadership Foundation (SoLF) conducted an interactive session. Feroze 1888 is the leading Manufacturer and Exporter of Specialized Yarn and Textile Terry Products in Pakistan working with more than 1600 management employees. Feroze 1888 foster liaison with Textile Engineering Department Mehran University to increase proximity and believes that the students of MUET are a bright future of the Textile Industry.

Technical Talk on "Garment Industry as Career"
We were honoured with the prescense of Mr. Mehmood Zaidi, Factory Manager, Rajby Garment, Karachi and Mr. M. Ekhlaque Ahmed, Head of Marketing Departement, Institute or Business Management, Karachi on 27th April 2018. They shared with us their valuable knowledge and experience for the Garment Industry of Pakistan. Worthy Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Mohammad Aslam Uqiali and Pro Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Tauha Hussain Ali along with Chairman Textile Engineering Department, Dr. Mazhar Hussain Peerzada welcomed the guests. The Faculty and students attended the talk with great interest and the students of this department were very keen to learn the new technologies and techniques and the conventional ones for the grament industry of Paksitan for its rapid growth.

First Year Student Ms. Mahnoor Iqbal Win Second Position in Interdepartmental Declamation Contest 2017
Ms. Mahnoor Iqbal from 17 batch of this department was selected for interdepartmental declamation contest 2017 held on 6th December, 2017 at the main auditorium hall organized by Mehranian Society of Mining and Exploration, Department of Mining Engineering, MUET. The event was held on International Miner's Day 2017. Ms. Mahnoor was awarded a shield and a certificate of appreciation. Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Hafiz-ur-Rehman Memon handed over the award.

Informal talk on “Career counseling” by Dr. Imtiaz ud Din, General Manager Popular Fabric Pvt Ltd, Landhi Industrial Area Karachi
Dr. Imtiaz ud Din, General Manager Popular Fabrics Pvt Ltd, Landhi Industrial Area Karachi is a member of the Industry Advisory Board of the Textile Engineering Department of MUET. He honored the department by visiting on 24th November, 2017. Apart from meeting the experts from Pakistan Engineering Council for the B.E Program re-accreditation visit, he gave a motivational lecture to the final year (15 batch) students. He also visited the department and shared his valuable thoughts with the department faculty.

Informal talk on “Career counseling” by Engr. Faisal Ansari (General Manager, GS Industries Private Limited SITE Karachi)
The event was held in the department on 24 August 2017 for final year undergraduate students (14 batch). Engr. Faisal Ansari (General Manager, GS Industries Private Limited SITE Karachi) visits Department of Textile Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro and conducted the informal career counseling session to the students of 14 batch.

Interactive workshop on “Development of smart and intelligent textile materials”
The event was held in the department on 03 March 2017 for final year undergraduate students (14 batch), lab staff and faculty members. Prof. Dr. Tahir Shah (University of Bolton, UK) was the resource person of the workshop.

First International Conference on Advanced Material Processing (ICAMP-17)
The conference was held from 28th February to 2nd March 2016 at MUET Jamshoro, jointly organized by the three departments of the university, that is, Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering and Department of Textile Engineering.
For textiles, Prof. Dr. Tahir Shah (University of Bolton, UK) and other renowned researchers within the country (including NTU Faisalabad, NED UET Karachi) have participated in the conference. They presented novel research work in technical textiles, smart textile, textile composite, nanotechnology in textiles and conventional textiles.
Students of our department have actively involved and participated in organizing the ICAMP-17.

Campus Recruitment
Al Rahim Textile Industries, one of the leading textile manufacturers in Pakistan, conducted recruitment interviews of 11 batch students in the Department of Textile Engineering, Mehran University on 04 December 2014.
The event started in the name of Allah followed by Company Introduction and Profile by Al Rahim delegate, interviews in three parallel sessions, a brief by Dr. Awais Khatri on current collaboration status, potential and plans, finally vote of appreciation and thanks by the Chairman, Dr. Mazhar Hussain Peerzada.