Professor Dr. Muhammad Khan Memon
Telephone Office 022-772250-73 ( Ext. 4300) Direct 022-2771241
Meritorious Professor & Director Postgraduate Studies

Office Phone No. 022-772250-73 (Ext.2040)
Ph.D: Petroleum Engineering (Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
B.E: Petroleum and Gas Engineering(Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
Specialization: Improved Oil Recovery (IOR) / Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
Research Interest: Enhanced oil Recovery processes (Thermal Recovery, Miscible Gas Injection, Chemical Injection), Improved Oil recovery,Multiphase flow in porous media, Phase behavior in Gas injection, Production Engineering and Pressure Transient Testing
PEC Registration No. PETGAS/275

Office Phone No. 022-2771241 , 022-772250-73 ( Ext. 4300)
Ph.D: Petroleum Engineering,Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,Malaysia
M.E: Petroleum Engineering(Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
B.E: Petroleum and Gas Engineering (MehranUET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
Specialization: Reservoir Simulation, Enhanced Oil Recovery, Well Test Analysis, and Gas Field Engineering
Research Interest: Reservoir Simulation and EOR Methods
PEC Registration No.PETGAS/ 421
Associate Professor

Office Phone No. 022-2771241 , 022-772250-73 ( Ext. 4309)
PhD: Petroleum Engineering (Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
M.E: Petroleum Engineering (Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
B.E: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
Specialization: Formation Evaluation , Well Logging , Reservoir Engineering , Production Engineering, Drilling Engineering Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques (EOR) , Natural Gas Engineering ,
Research Interest: Oil Reserve Estimation and EOR techniques
PEC Registration No. PETGAS/652
Associate Professor
Office Phone No. 022-2771241 , 022-772250-73 ( Ext. 4314)
PhD: Petroleum Engineering (Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
MS By Reserach: Petroleum Engineering (University TeKnologi Petronas Malaysia)
PGD: Petroleum Engineering (Mehran UET,Jamshoro,Sindh)
B.E: Petroleum and Gas Engineering (Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
Specialization: Reservoir Simulation,Reservoir Engineering, Porperties of Reservoir Fluids, Drilling Cementing ,
Cement Rheology ,
Research Interest: Unconventional resources,Morphological characteristics of rock
PEC Registration No. PETGAS/593
Associate Professor
Office Phone No. 022-2771241 , 022-772250-73 ( Ext. 4308)
PhD: Oil-Gas Well Engineering (China University of Petroleum (East China), China)
M.E: Petroleum Engineering (Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
B.E: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
Research Interest:Drilling Engineering , Reservoir Engineering , Petrleum Rock Mechanics
PEC Registration No. PETGAS/1314
Assistant Professor

Engr.Allah Dino Samoon [View CV] [Download CV]
Office Phone No. 022-2771241 , 022-772250-73 ( Ext. 4307)
PGD: Petroleum Engineering(Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
B.E: Petroleum and Gas Engineering (MehranUET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
Specialization:Gas Reservoir Engineering,Gas Productioon and Gas Processing.
Research Interest:Gas Reservoir Engineering,Natural Gas Engineering and Gas Processing.
PEC Registration No.PETGAS/309
Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected] , [email protected],
Office Phone No. 022-2771241 , 022-772250-73 ( Ext. 4315)
M.E: Petroleum Engineering (MUET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
B.E: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (MUET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
Specialization: Reservoir Engineering, Reservoir Simulation & Eclipse Reservoir Simulator (Schelumberger Software)
Research Interest: Reservoir Simulation, Tight Gas Resevoir Modeling & Simulation
PEC Registration No. PETGAS/645
Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected]
Office Phone No. 022-2771241 , 022-772250-73 ( Ext. 4301)
M.E: Petroleum Engineering (MUET,Jamshoro,Sindh)
B.E: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (MUET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
Specialization: Well Completion and Work over operation , artificial lift , Drilling .
Research Interest:Enhanced Oil Recovery .
PEC Registration No: PETGAS/1612
Assistant Professor
Engr.Abdul Qadir Shaikh [View CV] [Download CV]
Office Phone No. 022-772250-73 ( Ext. 4307)
M.E: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering(Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
B.E: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
Specialization:Drilling Engineering
Research Interest:Drilling Engineering
PEC Registration:
Assistant Professor

Office Phone No. 022-2771241 , 022-772250-73 ( Ext. 4301)
M.E: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering(Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
B.E: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
Specialization:Drilling Engineering
Research Interest:Drilling Engineering
PEC Registration No. PETGAS/820
Assistant Professor
Engr. Irshad Ali Gopang [View CV] [Download CV]
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Office Phone No. 022-2771241 , 022-772250-73 ( Ext. 4301)
M.E: Petroleum Engineering (MUET,Jamshoro,Sindh)
B.E: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (MUET, Jamshoro, Sindh)
Specialization: Production Engineering,Thermodynamics.
Research Interest:Production Engineering
PEC Registration No: PETGAS/1450
Assistant Professor
Engr. Faisal Najam Abro [View CV] [Download CV]
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone No. 022-2771241 , 022-772250-73 ( Ext. 4301)
M.E : Environmental Sciences (Mehran UET, Jamshoro , Sindh)
B.E: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (NED,University,Karachi)
Specialization: Hydraulic Fracturing
Research Interest: Environmental and Safety Management
PEC Registration No: PETGAS/1168

Engr. Muhammad Ali Memon [View CV] [Download CV]
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone No. 022-2771241 , 022-772250-73 ( Ext. 4307)
PGD : Petroleum Engineering (Mehran UET, Jamshoro , Sindh)
B.E: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (Mehran UET , Jamshoro , Sindh)
Specialization: Reservoir Engineering,Petroleum Refinery Engineering
Research Interest: Enhanced Oil Recovery
PEC Registration No: PETGAS/ 841

Office Phone No. 022-2771241 , 022-772250-73 ( Ext. 4316)
M.E: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (Mehran UET,Jamshoro)
B.E: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (Mehran UET,Jamshoro)
Specialization: Drilling Engineering, Well Completion and Reservoir Engineering.
Research Interest: Unconventional Well challenges
PEC Registration No: PETGAS/ 2225
Engr. Imran A. Hulio [View CV 2021] [Download CV]
Email: [email protected].pk
Office Phone No. 022-2771241 , 022-772250-73 ( Ext. 4316)
M.E: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (Mehran UET,Jamshoro)
B.E: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (Mehran UET,Jamshoro)
Specialization: Hydraulic Fracturing,EOR,Reservoir Engineering,Production Engineering.
Research Interest: CO2 Injection Problems , Hydrulic Fracturing.
PEC Registration No: PETGAS/2234
Lab Engineer
Engr. Ghulam Mustafa Kamboh [View CV 2023] [Download CV]
B.E: (Petroleum & Gas) (MehranUET, Jamshoro, Pakistan)
Specialization: Drilling Engineering
Research Interest: Drilling Engineering
PEC Registration No. PETGAS/1858
Lab Supervisor
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
M.E: (Petroleum Engineering) Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Pakistan)
B.E: (Petroleum & Gas) (MehranUET, Jamshoro, Pakistan)
Research Interest:
PEC Registration No. PETGAS/
Lab Supervisor
Engr. Sheeraz Ahmed Soomro [View CV 2021] [Download CV]
PGD: (Petroleum Engineering) Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Pakistan)
B.E: (Petroleum & Gas) (MehranUET, Jamshoro, Pakistan)
Research Interest:
PEC Registration No. PETGAS/