Mechanical Excellence Society (MechES)
1. Lecture on Mastering the Art of Presentation
An event was organised on 25th April 2019 by MechES at Department of Mechanical Engineering, MUET where guest speaker Prof. Dr. Adnan Ashraf Arain delivered Lecture on the topic " Mastering the Art of Presentation" to undergraduate students of the Department. The Chief guest of the event was Prof. Dr. Rizwan Ahmed Memon ( Incharge Chairman/Director MIS).

IEEE Robotics and Automation Society - MUET
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society - MUET Student Branch Chapter has been established in 2014 to become the meeting place of choice for the intrested Students and Professionals in Robotics and Automation in Mehran University of Engineering and Technology. The Chapter will unite the Students and promote Robotics and Automation in the Mehran UET. The specific objectives of the MUET RAS Chapter are the following:
· Serve as an interdisciplinary forum for exchanging ideas in research and development among Robotics and Automationresearchers in MUET.
· Hold a number of meetings which are of interest to the members and reflect applications and technical advancement in the area of Robotics and Automation.
· Disseminate the Robotics and Automation knowledge to Students, Researchers and Engineers through promoting and sponsoring scientific activities in the area of Robotics and Automation.
· Organize a mix of educational and Research Workshops,Symposiums, Seminars, Robotics Competitions and invited talks to raise the awareness of Robotics and Automation and to attract New Researchers and Engineers to this growing field.
· Promote the applicability of Robotics and Automation to pertinent areas of Industrial and Commercial importance.
Events and Seminars Organized by IEEE RAS
1.Workshop on Lego EV3 Mind Storm Kits (July 2015) (in which 152 students participated).

2. IEEE Robotics and Automation Society MUET Chapter executive council celebrated IEEE-DAY at muet auditorium on (7th october 2015).

3. IEEE RAS MUET Chapter's Executive Body attended the KSYWC'15 Congress ( December 2015).

4. IEEE Robotics and Automation Society MUET Student Branch Chapter organised Student Poster Competion on 20.4.2016. (April 2016)

The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (IEEE RAS), MUET students branch chapter was established in MUET on 2014. Since then, the Chapter has organized several events for the benefit of students of MUET under the banner of IEEE. The IEEE RAS organized Student Poster Competition (SPoC’16) on 20th April in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. This was made possible due to the efforts of IEEE RAS student chapter’s team led by Advisor Dr. Jawaid Daudpoto and Chair, Owais Rasool.
As many as 14 posters were received, which were divided into two categories:
1. Post-Grad Posters: In all, seven posters were received under the postgraduate category. Although the competition was open to students from any postgraduate program. All the seven entries were from students of Mechatronic Engineering. Amongst those critically acclaimed posters were: Design and Development of experimental bed to characterize shape memory alloy actuators using experimental test bed (Mohammad Ali Soomro), agricultural data acquisition system for decision support (Awais Memon), EMG sensor for crime alarming purpose (Ali Akbar Shah), Improving the cycle of Nickel-Titanium based shape memory alloy (Atta Muhammad Nizamani) and Design and development of shape memory alloy actuated exoskeleton finger (Nirma Sheikh).
2. Under-Grad Posters: In this category seven posters were received. Six posters were from students of Mechanical Engineering and one from group of students from Electronic Engineering. The entries included: Ultrasonic blind helper stick (Owais Rasool), Design and importance of anti-lock braking system (Salman Shalwani), Rescue robot using grid based navigator system (Abu Bakkar) and Decentralized multi-robot task allocation (Fatima Zareen).
Dean Faculty of Engineering Abdul Hafeez Memon, inaugurated the competition. Dean FEECE, Dr. Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry, visited the competition and praised the students for their hard work. Chairman of Mechanical Engineering Department; Dr. Dur Muhammad Pathan, and Advisor IEEE RAS MUET Student branch Chapter Dr. Jawaid Daudpoto, Prof. Dr. Rizwan Memon welcomed guests and thanked them for their valuable time. The posters were judged by the faculty members from Department of Mechanical Engineering and Dr. Imtiaz Kalwar, Dr. Winod Kumar (Electronic Engineering), Dr. Ahsan Ursani (Chairman, Department of Biomedical Engineering). The results of the competition will be announced shortly and award distribution ceremony will be held after summer vacations.
Events like these are set to motivate and groom the upcoming breed of Engineers so that they can represent their work boldly.
5. Organiesd Award Distribution Ceremony for Student Poster Competition (July 2015).

6. Organised Student Project Competition'2016 (July 2016).

7. IEEE RAS MUET Student Branch Chapter offered Free Walk-in Seminar on Internet of Things (IoT) by National Instruments Specialist. (on 16\11\2016)