

There are 5 well-equipped laboratories in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, hereunder

  1.     Biomedical Instrumentation Lab
  2.     Biomedical Engineering Lab
  3.     Biomedical Sciences Lab
  4.     Telemedicine and Research Lab (FYP Lab) 
  5.     Biomedical Computing Lab
  6.     Nanomedicine Research Lab


In all the laboratories, equipment manuals, work instructions, maintenance log sheets and other related documents are updated semester wise and are available with the lab-engineers.                                


Details of the Lab Staff

S. No. Name of Lab Responsibility Name of Staff Designation Qualification
1 Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory Lab. In charge Dr. Syed Amjad Ali  Associate Professor  Ph.D
Supporting Staff Mr. Sadam Hussain Memon Lab-Assistant  
2 Biomedical Sciences Laboratory Lab. In charge Dr. Maheen M. Surahio Assistant Professor Ph.D
Supporting Staff Engr. Usira Najeeb Channa Lab. Supervisor M.E

Telemedicine and Research Laboratory

(FYP Lab)

Lab. In charge Engr. N. P. Chowdhry Assistant Professor M.S
Supporting Staff - Lab. Supervisor M.E
4 Biomedical Engineering Laboratory Lab. In charge Engr. Rabia Chandio Assistant Professor  M.E
Supporting Staff Engr. Irfan Ahmed Shah Lab. Supervisor M.E
5 Biomedical Computing Laboratory Lab. In charge Dr. Abdul Rahim Ansari Assistant Professor Ph.D
Supporting Staff Engr. Humair Nawaz Lab. Supervisor M.E
6 Nanomedicine Research Laboratory Lab. In charge Dr. Abdul Qadir Ansari Associate Professor Ph.D
Supporting Staff - - -