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Situation Vacant for Research Associate/Research Assistant/PhD Scholar under HEC Funded Project (LCF-63)
03/11/2021 - 1:42am
Applications are invited for the following positions in a research project titled “Metering the aquifer using smart monitoring and data driven approach to assist in devising adaptive groundwater management strategy in Balochistan” funded by Higher Education Commission, Islamabad under Local Challenge Fund at US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Water (USPCAS-W), Mehran UET, Jamshoro. The project is awarded to BUITEMS and Sub-awarded to MUET, Jamshoro.
S# |
Position |
Requirement |
Research Associate (01) |
The candidate should have a Ph.D degree in (Geology, Hydrogeology, Geophysics, Hydraulics, Irrigation and Drainage, Integrated Water Resources Management, Hydrology or any other relevant field) and should have experience in using geophysical instruments, and hydro-geological modelling. At least one year of working commitment at USPCASW would be required. |
Research Assistant (01) |
The candidate should have a master degree in (Geophysics, Geology, Hydrogeology, Hydraulics, Irrigation and Drainage, Integrated Water Resources Management, Civil Engineering or any other relevant field). At least one year of working commitment at USPCASW would be required. |
PhD Scholar |
The Candidates must be enrolled in the PhD degree program (Geophysics, Geology, Hydrogeology, Hydraulics, Irrigation and Drainage, Integrated Water Resources Management, Civil Engineering or any relevant field). Preference will be given to those having experience related to hydrogeological investigation, hydrology, GIS, groundwater modelling and related field work. |
- Interested candidates should send their CV through online application at careers.water.muet.edu.pk on or before 15th November 2021.
- Candidates who are already serving in Government / Semi-Government and autonomous bodies should apply through proper channel accompanied by N.O.C. from the employer. Advance copy of the application(s) may be sent, so as to reach within due date.
- Application processing fee of Rs.500/- can be deposited in the Habib Bank Limited A/C No. 00727901894001 titled CAS-W Leveraging.
- Only short listed candidates will be called for test / interview.
- No. T.A / D.A. will be paid for appearing in the test / interview.
- The University/Center reserves the right to delete any position(s) partially and / or wholly.
The last date to apply is: 15TH NOVEMBER 2021
For any further information:
Prof. Dr. Abdul Latif Qureshi
Principal Investigator
U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Water (USPCAS-W)
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
Email: alqureshi.uspcasw@faculty.muet.edu.pk