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ENERGY CRISIS "Solution for a Brighter Tomorrow" A panel discussion feat, MUET & SSGC Experts
25/03/2014 - 7:38pm
“Solution for a Brighter Tomorrow”
A panel discussion feat, MUET & SSGC Experts
Chemical Engineering department achieved another milestone by organizing a panel discussion feat on ENERGY CRISES “Solution for brighter tomorrow” & Walk for Energy conservation, In collaboration with sui southern gas company (SSGC) held on 18th March, 2014.
The Chemical Engineering Department and Institute of Petroleum and Natural Gas were involved in participation of final year students and faculty members. Mehran University of Engineering and technology had the licence of organizing this prestigious event successfully.
Prof. Dr. Syed Farman Ali Shah (Chairman, Chemical Engg: dept ) was Chief organizer and Technical coordinator of the event, Engr. Ashfaque Hussain Pirzada (co-convener) along with organizing team Engr. Sikander Mustafa Almani & Engr.Masroor Ahmed Abro put their untiring efforts to make this event another achievement to be added to the chain of successful events that Chemical Engg: dept, Mehran UET has organized.

The Chief Guest, Prof. Dr. M. Aslam Uqaili (Vice Chancellor MUET) in closing ceremony of panel discussion, addressing the panelists and participant
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Aslam Uqaili , Vice Chancellor of Mehran UET graced the event as being Chief Guest. He cherished the efforts of Prof. Dr. Farman Ali Shah and also emphasized on his desire to make Mehran University of Engineering and Technology to the top ranked university in Pakistan.
Dr Uqaili also share his professional experiences about energy shortage and mishandling/mismanagement and at last he concluded that unawareness due to this mishandling is dragging us backward, although we have plenty of resources but we are still unable to explore and utilize them efficiently.
Panelists were
Prof.Dr Syed Farman Ali Shah (Chairman,Chemical Engineering Dept)
Prof.Dr Hafeez –ur-Rehman Memon (Dean, Faculty of Engineering)
Mr. Shoaib Warsi SGM (Transmission) –SSGC
Mr.Nisar A.Shaikh GM(Distribution-Sindh)-SSGC
Mr.Madni Arafat Siddiqui DGM(Distribution-karachi Central)
The moderator from SSGC Mr imran has welcomed all panellists and participants, Introduction speech was presented by Mr. Shahbaz Aslam,
Theme of panel discussion was to elaborate the drawbacks of energy conservation and methods to overcome the upcoming energy crises, awareness to public about Natural gas shortage, economize and optimize usage and to suggest an effective plan to minimize energy crises.
Prof.Dr Syed Farman Ali Shah, said mismanagement and mishandling are two main reasons for energy crises besides Renewable energies can play a vital role in betterment of this crucial issue.
Dr Hafeez ur rehman talks about energy policy and Pakistan’s actual potential of self-sufficient energy resources. Exploration is the key for Pakistan energy solutions besides mismanagement is something to think about now to make energy sources sustainable.
Mr. Shoaib Warsi discussed on the gas processing and transmission and said that unawareness among energy consumer is the real a bone of contention, peoples in rural areas uses homemade appliances those waste unburnt Natural gas, similarly other fuels.
Mr.Nisar A.Shaikh informed about their training cum awareness institute and invited students to do final year projects and internships in there prestigious organization. Mr Shaikh also emphasis the linkage between industry to academia in order to solve industrial problems.
Mr.Madni Arafat Siddiqui pointed that there should be a close circle between consumer and company so that customer complains directly and company reach sharply and save energy as in terms of gas leakage.
Dr Farman speaks of MUET research works on coal and alternate energy sources, the alternate energy is the key while other time taking initiatives can materialise in Pakistan, Mr Shoaib Warsi also agrees on the need of alternate energy sources and modern techniques.
Faculty members and students in M D Hall
All the panelists were been decorated with Sindhi culture(Ajrak) and a memorandum from SSGC by the worthy Vice Chancellor
Prof Dr.M Aslam Uqaili.Mr Shoaib Warsi presented a memorandum to Worthy Vice Chancellor Prof Dr.M Aslam Uqaili.
Vice Chancellor along with panelists accompanied Faculty members, SSGC Personals and Students in Walk for “ENERGY CONSERVATION” from old administration building to the end point Chemical Engineering Round About.
Walk Started from Old administration building it was about 500 metres, VC Dr.Uqaili and Mr Shoaib Warsi SGM (Transmission) –SSGC discussed the collaboration between SSGC and MUET in nearer future .All the Students were energetic to save energy the wall ended at Chemical Engineering Department.
SSGC walk for a cause at MUET: Students show solidarity to save energy and pledged to spread the world
Senior SSGC management and CCD team and Students of MUET family walk for a cause pledging to conserve Pakistan’s valuable energy resources and spread the awareness to make a difference.
Lunch @ foreign faculty hostel was provided to SSGC personals and Faculty members, Prof Dr.Shah had see off SSGC person with vote of Thanks.
This event was captured by Dawn News and The Sindh TV News.
Report Compiled by:
Engr. Sikander Mustafa Almani,
Lecturer,Chemical Engineering Dept:
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