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Department of Electronic Engineering is organizing (0.5) CPD Webinar on "Natural Language Processing – An Introduction" 0.5 CPD Webinar
22/12/2020 - 2:14pm

Date: 26th December 2020, 10:00 am - 12:00 noon PKT.
Last date to apply: 25th December 2020.
Platform: MS Team.
Resource Person: Engr. Khuhed Memon, Assistant Professor Department of Electronic Engineering, MUET.
Eligibility Criteria: Final Year Students and graduates (PEC registered Engineers) can apply for CPD.
Only paid participants will get CPD points and PEC affiliated certificates.
Interested students from junior batches can attend the webinar free of cost without CPD. Limited seats available.
Registration Fees: 250 PKR.
Payment options:
Easypaisa (0333-2614927) and Jazz cash (0300-8105458).
HBL Account: 00727900315701.
For Further Details Please Contact:
Engr. Shoaib Hassan Khaskheli, Instrument Engineer, Department of Electronic Engineering, MUET.
Cell #: +923322660292, Email: [email protected].edu.pk
Last date to apply: 25th December 2020.
Platform: MS Team.
Resource Person: Engr. Khuhed Memon, Assistant Professor Department of Electronic Engineering, MUET.
Eligibility Criteria: Final Year Students and graduates (PEC registered Engineers) can apply for CPD.
Only paid participants will get CPD points and PEC affiliated certificates.
Interested students from junior batches can attend the webinar free of cost without CPD. Limited seats available.
Registration Fees: 250 PKR.
Payment options:
Easypaisa (0333-2614927) and Jazz cash (0300-8105458).
HBL Account: 00727900315701.
For Further Details Please Contact:
Engr. Shoaib Hassan Khaskheli, Instrument Engineer, Department of Electronic Engineering, MUET.
Cell #: +923322660292, Email: [email protected].
For details and registrations please check the following link
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