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Admissions Open for PhD & Master's Degree Programs - Spring 2016
01/02/2016 - 8:28pm
- Closing date of admissions extended up to 2nd March 2016
- Download Prospectus
Note: Graduates of petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering are also eligible for admission in M.E Energy Systems Engineering Program.
Mehran University of Engineering and Technology is committed to raise the research quality by employing PhD’s in conventional fields as well as in emerging areas of Engineering, Science and Technology. In this context, Mehran University is fortunate to have wealth of resources of high quality faculty members, who produce research papers in impact factor journal, in addition to production of quality PhDs every year in Engineering and Technology. As a research oriented university, we now have substantial population of postgraduate students.
The University offers various study and research programs (PhD, M.Phil. leading to PhD, M.Phil. and ME/MS/MBA/M.CRP/M.ARCH)in the following disciplines:
STREAM A: Ph.D., M.Phil leading to Ph.D Programs (Full Time/Part Time)
1. Architecture |
2. Chemical Engineering |
3. City and Regional Planning |
4. Civil Engineering |
5. Coal Engineering |
6. Energy Systems Engineering+ |
7. Construction Management |
8. Metallurgy and Materials Engineering |
9. Industrial Engineering and Management |
10. Manufacturing Engineering |
11. Mechanical Engineering |
12. Structural Engineering |
13. Mining Engineering |
14. Geotechnical & Highway Engineering |
15. Textile Engineering |
16. Applied Mathematics** |
Petroleum Engineering |
***PhD Scholarship from Endowment fund program are offered in following diversified fields: |
1. Computer Vision 2. Control System Design 3. Energy and Power Management 4. Artificial Intelligence 5. Photonics |
6. Telecommunication System & Network 7. Advanced VLSI Systems 8. Industrial Automation and Robotics 9. Real-time application of microprocessor & embedded System |
* Admissions only in PhD program is offered **Admissions only in PhD and M.Phil. degree programs are offered *** upto 6 Scholarships of Rs 25000/=per month each for outstanding and meritorious candidates shall be available from "ICT Endowment fund for Sustainable Development" +One Scholarship of Rs 25000/=per month for outstanding and meritorious candidates in Energy Systems Engineering shall be available from HEC funded Project |
Eligibility PhD Degree Programs
M.Phil. leading to PhD Degree Programs
STREAM B: Master’s Degree Programs
Program/Discipline |
Eligibility: o First Class/Minimum 3.0 CGPA Bachelor's Degreein following disciplines. o 50% Cumulative Score in NTS GAT (General) or 50% Marks in Entry test Conducted by the University. |
Architecture |
Architecture |
Chemical Engineering |
Chemical, Petroleum & Natural Gas, & Metallurgical Engineering |
City & Regional Planning (M.CRP) |
City & Regional Planning, Architecture |
Civil Engineering |
Civil Engineering |
Construction Management |
Civil Engineering |
Energy Systems Engineering* |
Energy, Energy Systems, Energy & Environment, Mechanical,Electrical, Environment, and Chemical Engineering |
Industrial Engineering & Management |
Industrial, Mechanical, Metallurgy, Mining, Civil, Electrical,Electronics, Software, Chemical, Telecommunication, Computer Systems, Bio-Medical & Textile Engineering |
Manufacturing Engineering |
Mechanical, Industrial & Metallurgical Engineering |
Metallurgy and Materials Engineering |
Metallurgical, Mechanical, Chemical & Mining Engineering |
Mining Engineering |
Mining Engineering |
Structural Engineering |
Civil Engineering |
Textile Engineering |
Textile Engineering |
Geotechnical and Highway Engineering |
Civil Engineering |
English Linguistics (M.S) |
English(2nd Class MA in English is eligible) |
*Two Scholarships of Rs 20,000/=per month each for outstanding and meritorious candidates in Energy Systems Engineering (Research Students) shall be available from HEC and HEC-BC funded Projects |
Director: Prof. Dr. KhanjiHarijan |
Co-Director: Dr. Tanweer Hussain |
Petroleum Engineering |
Eligibility: o B.E. (First Class) in Petroleum, &Gas, Chemical & Mechanical Engineering, and, o 50% Cumulative Score in NTS GAT (General) or 50% Marks in Entry test Conducted by the University. |
Director: Prof. Dr. Suhail A. Soomro Tel: 022-2771241; Email:dir.ipng@admin.muet.edu.pk |
Program/Discipline |
Eligibility: o First Class/Minimum 3.0 CGPA Bachelor's Degree in following disciplines. o 50% Cumulative Score in NTS GAT (General) or 50% Marks in Entry test Conducted by the University. |
Communication Systems & Networks (CSN) |
Electrical, Electronic, Computer System, Telecommunication & Software Engineering |
Information Technology (IT) |
Any Engineering Discipline |
Software Engineering (SE) |
Computer System & Software Engineering |
Computer & Information Engineering (CIE) |
Computer System, Software, Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering |
Electronic Systems Engineering (ESE) |
Electrical, Electronic, Computer System & Telecommunication Engineering |
Electrical Power Engineering (EPE) |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
Telecommunication Engineering and Management (TLM) |
Telecommunication, Electrical, Electronic, Computer Systems & Software Engineering |
Mechatronics (Mech) |
Mechatronics, Mechatronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical, Electronic, Industrial Engineering, Computer Systems and Biomedical Engineering |
Automation and Control |
Electronics, Electrical, Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Systems, Bio-Medical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Software engineering |
Bio-Medical Engineering |
Bio-Medical Engineering |
Director: Prof. Dr. Mukhtiar Ali Unar Tel: 022-2771206; Email: director.iict@admin.muet.edu.pk, |
Co-Director: Prof. Dr. Zubair Ahmed Memon Tel: 0222-2771351; |
STREAM C: Masters' Degree in Energy & Environmental Engineering, Jointly Offered by Mehran UET, Pakistan & Shenyang Aerospace University, China
Energy and Environmental Engineering |
Eligibility: o First Class/Minimum 3.0 CGPA Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Engineering, Energy & Environment, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engineering; Metallurgy and Material Engineering; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering; Petroleum and gas Engineering, Textile Engineering, and Civil Engineering. o 50% Cumulative Score in NTS GAT (General) or 50% Marks in Entry test Conducted by the University. |
Study Plan: 1st year(1st and 2nd terms) courses will be taught here at Mehran UET and students will be given option to either complete 2nd year (3rd term) courses and research work inShenyang Aerospace University, China (For Joint Degree) or in Mehran University (For Degree to be awarded by Mehran UET). Special Package: Shenyang Aerospace University, China will provide free accommodation in twin shared room. |
Application forms are available at Institute of Environmental Engineering & Management, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology. Those who have already applied for Master in Environmental Engineering they have to fill only option forms for this program.
For further Details Contact:
Director: Prof. Dr. Khan Muhammad Brohi Tel: 022-2771182; Email:director.ieem@admin.muet.edu.pk |
Following programs are also offered at MUET Shaheed ZA Bhutto campus, Khairpur Mir's v Electrical Power Engineering (EPE) v Energy Systems Engineering For Details Contact: Prof. Agha ZafarullahPathan Focal Person, Post Graduate Program, MUET SZAB Campus, Khairpur Mir's Tel: 0243-715364-65 (ext 7011); Email:azp24@hotmail.com |
- Foreign Qualified Ph.D./M.E./M.S.Faculty
- Air Conditioned Environment
- Outstanding Teaching Facilities
- Interactive Multimedia Labs (1:1 Student /PC Ratio)
- Syllabus Designed Keeping in View Present & Future Needs of the Market
- Pick & Drop Facility from City etc.
Financial Support
· Bursary upto 50% in tuition fees are available for meritorious and needy students · Fully paid teaching assistance ships are available in every program · Various financial assistance ships are available for faculty members, MUET employees and their dependents · Fully funded PhD scholarships are available from ICT endowment fund for sustainable development scheme and from HEC and HEC-BC funded projects. · PM’s Full fee reimbursement scheme for Master's Program for the candidates of less developed areas of Sindh Province. · PM’s Full fee reimbursement scheme for All PhD Programs.
In addition, following external scholarships may also be available to students from time to time a. Indigenous Scholarship by Higher Education Commission b. HEC Need Based Scholarship c. National Bank of Pakistan – Student Loan Scheme – Facility of Interest free loan to the students of public sector universities d. Erasmus Mundus scholarship opportunities to study under exchange program in Europe e. Pakistan Engineering Council Scholarship f. Pak USAID Merit and Need based Scholarship for financially disadvantaged students at graduate level |
Working together – Inspiring excellence · First University produced PhD in Engineering · First University produced PhD in ICT · First University produced Woman PhD in Engineering · First University in ranking in Engineering and Technology in Sindh · First University whose Master and PhD Students availed EU Erasmus Mundus Scholarship to study in Europe universities under exchange program · First University having organized International conferences and its proceedings published by Springer Germany · First University having number of chapters of International Professional bodies like; IEEE, SPE, SME, IEEE COMSOC, IEEP Power and energy Society, IEEE Women in engineering, IEEE Measurement and instrumentation Society, ACM · Only University of the country offering postgraduate degree in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy. |
Candidates seeking admission in a post-graduate programme at Mehran University may apply ONLINE by logging in at http://muet-admissions.com
Procedure for online applications is given on the same website. Those who want to apply manually can obtain Admission Form from the office of the concerned Directorate on any working day upto the closing date on the payment of Rs. 2500/- through Habib Bank Limited, Mehran University Booth.
Detailed Schedule is as under:
Closing date of applications |
Entry test for Master’s Degree Programs |
03rd March2016 @2:00 PM |
GRE Subject Test for Admission in PhD Programs (where ETS GRE / NTS GAT subject test is not available) |
07th March2016 @1:00 PM |
EntryTest Result and Interview Schedule to be announced on |
10th March2016 |
Last date of Admission |
25th March2016 |
Start of First Semester |
28th March2016 |
1) M.Phil leading to PhD & Ph.D candidates are required to submit copy of research proposal/statement of purpose (SOP) along with application form.
2) For admission in Engineering Programs, Registration of PEC is mandatory.
3) Final Year Final Term/Semester students waiting for result are also eligible to apply for admission to M.E/M.CRP/MBA/MS/M.Arch/M.Phil&M.Phil Leading to PhD Degree Programs subject to pass in all courses as per rules. For more details, please visit university website www.muet.edu.pk or contact the concerned director/co-director.
Prof. Dr. Khanji Harijan
Director Postgraduate Studies
Tel: 022-2771214
Email: director.pgs@admin.muet.edu.pk